Real Life Changes with Rose-Anne Partridge

Meet Rose-Anne

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, has been quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.” And it certainly plays true with my business and web site Real Life Changes. We have been through a lot of change together over the years!

In 2001, Real Life Changes started out as a way for me to channel daily inspiration for myself while I was going through some challenging life changes. And then I decided to share the daily gems I discovered with friends — everything from quotes, insights, to deeper philosophies from some of the greatest thinkers out there that I could find. The feedback I received was that I helped my friends understand complex philosophies and concepts from some of the great thinkers of our time and make them relatable to our unique lives and circumstances.

And then it turned into a way for me to share health info that I was researching for my family — in particular for my son who had special needs. I became very passionate about overall health, and more specifically brain health. I created a radio show and I produced an online magazine.

And as life has a way of doing, I continued to make more “Real Life Changes” for myself and my business and I find myself coming back to my roots. I am here to share the wisdom of the heart-brain connection to bring forward healing frequencies of calm, light, love, and joy every day.

So make sure you sign up to keep up-to-date with all of my newest posts which will range in subjects matter from ensuring your spiritual toolkit is full of easy to use techniques and aids for your overall spiritual well-being, health and wellness, special needs, recipes and more. And thanks for joining me and my family as we enjoy our Real Life Changes!

Make sure you sign up to receive inspiring updates and get my downloadable mindfullness bundle as my gift to you.

In Joy!

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