Everything is energy, but not all energy is the same

Navigating energetic boundaries: understanding the power of frequency and cord cutting

In the profound words of Einstein, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.” This statement encapsulates a fundamental truth: energy governs our existence, shaping the reality we experience. But what does it truly mean to align with the frequency of our desired reality?

Basically, it means that frequency comes first. Energy is truly the universal currency. But, once we comprehend that everything is energy, it is also really important to note that not all energy is the same.

Our energetic frequency is naturally joyful and expansive, but we often struggle to tap into that state of being because we let our habitual ways of thinking and feeling drive our natural frequency down. So we get stuck at lower levels of energy and forget that we are made up of these powerful positive forces of nature.

Start by asking yourself, where do you spend most of your time, frequency-wise? When you figure that out, you can work on making some real life changes.

It has also been said that with the main five people you interact with the most, you actually pick up their energy vibrations—in other words, an energetic exchange of sorts, or energy cords are established. So take a look around you; who are those main five people? Are they raising your energy frequency up? Or are they pulling you down?

If your answer is that you feel drained and depleted after being with someone in particular, or you have obsessive thoughts about them, or you’re obsessing over a situation with the other person, they may actually be hindering your spiritual growth and development by keeping you in a lower vibration. 

Right now, I am finding more and more people are being called to take a much deeper look at the relationships they are in with friends, family members, and romantic partners. I encourage you to take a look at them with a new perspective—an energetic perspective—and figure out if it is in your best interest, frequency wise, to have them in your life. 

It’s crucial to know that it is OK to move forward and away from those who are not an energetic match or simply no longer resonate with your frequency. When you honour the energy vibrations, you are allowing each of you to be authentically yourselves. As we move through our lives, we are growing, learning, and evolving. So there will be times that you will need to let go of that which no longer serves you. When we let go, we create space. This space is that of potential, of possibility. You will see that your frequency—and your world—will change, too.

Cutting energetic cords

The practice of cord cutting helps to recover energy that has been lost and to re-establish healthy energetic boundaries.

When we enter into a relationship with someone, whether it is with family, a friend, an intimate partner, work colleague, someone we have regular dealings with, or even an individual that you meet in passing, we develop energetic cords. Now, these cords aren’t necessarily a bad thing. They actually help us to form connections with one another.

However, for those situations where the energy is no longer serving you in a positive way, cutting energy cords helps you to move through transition without the burden of carrying the energetic weight of the past. 

There are many ways to cut cords and establish energetic boundaries:

  1. Salt Bath: Salt helps to cleanse your energetic body and brings you into a state of balance.
  2. Smudging: The ritual of cleansing with smoke purifies the energetic body and helps to re-establish connection with the Divine.
  3. Journaling: Write out everything that you have been wanting to say to another person. Don’t hold back. Share your frustrations and your desires. After you are complete you may choose to burn the writing as a symbol of release. 
  4. Visualization: In your mind’s eye, visualize the individual you wish to cut a cord with, and also some scissors, or a knife, or even a sword, or axe, so that you can cut the cord. Begin by connecting to the energy of the Divine, the source of all creation. See the energetic cord that connects you with the other person. Feel the energy that is draining from you. Now, with intention, visualize yourself cutting the cord between you with the scissors and witness as the energetic cord recoils back into both you and the other person. Take a moment to anchor the experience by feeling the recovery of energy and thanking the other person for the role that they have or do play in your life.

You may choose to speak the following blessing after these practices of cutting energetic cords:

I now sever and release any and all energetic cords that do not serve my highest good. I release you, and I release me from these binds. All cords are destroyed, across all dimensions, times and planes, never to return again.

I hereby banish these energetic cords and recover now all energy that was once lost. My energy flows back to me, filling me once again with vitality and creating a peaceful energetic boundary of love and light.

And so it is.

After you have spoken your truth, spend some time sitting in quiet meditation. Feel the energy that has been reclaimed and take the time needed to re-integrate. And remember, you are the creator of your experience on Earth.

With joy,