Acting on our intuition—and what happens after

Our intuition speaks to us all day. And yes, even for those who don’t see themselves as intuitive.

Ideas spring into our minds out of nowhere. Many of us receive this communication quite clear—we are inspired with bursts of creativity, we feel the nudge to pick up the phone, the sense that words are placed into our mouths that must be said. All this is intuition—communication from our higher selves.

But then, we commit one fatal mistake. Before we act on those ideas, bring forth the inspiration, make that phone call or speak out loud—we think about it. We try to justify the impulse, to explain it to ourselves. We struggle to come up with a good reason for taking action as guided, or we talk ourselves out of that action.

We have been conditioned to think so much that, perhaps, we don’t end up doing anything at all. Or maybe, we take action that is coming from a rationalized, altered version of the original intuitive impulse. All too often, we think ourselves out of simply acting on our intuition.

Here’s a fun way to create the habit of simply taking action when intuitive inspiration strikes.

Set an intention—something that you can feasibly accomplish within the next three or four days. Make it something real, something tangible. Then ask your Higher Self: “What actions can I take in the next three days that will contribute to manifesting my desired outcome?”

Now comes the real fun. Whatever impulse you receive – do it! Even if it makes no sense right now, or has no obvious connection to your intention—just do it. For 3 days, act first. You can think later.

A few ground rules

Taking action does not mean doing more research, writing it all down on a to-do list, or journaling about it. For the sake of this exercise, your action must be expressed into the world as it naturally arises. That means other people will only be perceiving your actions stemming from your most ideal, authentic self.

The next two ground rules should be self-evident: don’t spend any money you don’t have. And remember that your highest self would never guide you to do anything that could be hurtful to another person—just in case you feel moved to insult your boss! True intuition brings you feelings of joy and love and gratitude. It is inspiring. It is fun. And there are no consequences with this. Therefore, it is not hurtful, spiteful, and definitely will not create guilt or shame. 

If you are ready to make intentional, activated, and aligned changes in your life, now is the time to give yourself 3 days without thinking or rationalizing yourself out of intuitive guidance. By the end of those 3 days, take a moment to reflect on what choices you have made, when you said yes, or sometimes, when you knew to say no. While this progress and aligning to our ideal path isn’t instantaneous, you may have begun creating remarkable results in your life already.

With joy,